Monday, February 4, 2013

Waning Sanity, Body Giving Out: The Joys of the Last Month of Pregnancy

36 weeks 3 days

One of our closest friends said after me grunting loudly trying to painfully get up off of a couch, "We get it, you're pregnant." 

I almost punched him in the face. 

This is my life lately. I eat, and my belly feels like it is about to split open. Two hours after I eat, I get heartburn. The baby sticks her butt out so hard I swear I am getting a bruise on my stomach. Every time she wiggles her head, I feel a pain and a pressure through my whole uterus into my damn cervix! My back, hips and generally my whole torso is in some sort of pain 100% of the time. I am uncomfortable when I stand, sit, and lie down. Though lying down is easiest, it is difficult to do at work, in public, and at other people's homes making it virtually impossible to be even remotely comfortable.

Pregnancy is awesome. O.o

I do have pregnancy to thank for opening my eyes to the wondrous world that is breakfast food. I have never loved, bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal, oatmeal etc. as much as I currently do. I feel as though I have deprived myself for 27 years!

Mentally I must be completely on the ledge about to jump off the cliff. I keep having those awful being chased dreams, or trying to get somewhere and not being able to make it even though you feel exactly like you know where you are going, labor dreams where things are going wrong. 

So basically I am barely hanging in there. 

It is February 4th. The baby isn't due until March 1st. 

All I have to say is my plan is to go into labor and have her on February 10th. And if things don't go that way, I may have a complete breakdown. Fingers crossed!

I made some decent headway on my book. I am not sure if I have mentioned it yet. I am writing (or attempting to..) a book about all the ins and outs of pumping breast milk. You think it isn't that hard or complicated, and then realize it is something of an art form and takes practice and skill, massive amounts of dedication and time. I lasted 7.5 months with Owen exclusively pumping and bottle feeding, not due to choice but rather he had a terrible latch. There were tips and stories I wish I had heard or knew before/during the pumping process, that I didn't get to find out until after. So. I am "writing" a book. We shall see if anything comes of it. :) I sure hope I get it done and can convince someone to publish it! 

Currently baby Ryan is trying to make her great escape by kicking and pushing her way out of my uterus. It is taking my breath away! So uncomfortable. It is so weird when you can see your stomach moving like there is an alien in there... And freaky. Weird and freaky.

Well, I am somewhat covered in acrylic paint from trying to get further on the paint job on the rocking chair in the baby's room, I've got 90% of Ryan's clothes washed and put away, fabric bought for the chair in her room, a couple loads of laundry done, the dishes done, the waffle maker cleaned of the cinnamon from making cinnamon rolls in it. (Delicious, but not really worth the pain of cleaning the waffle maker!) I still have so much more to do, but my back hurts. 

So I am done for today! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Food AA For Pregnancy. (Addictions and Aversions) and 35 week update

I couldn't stand seafood when I was pregnant with Owen, and maintained the aversion for a couple of years just remembering the feeling I got from smelling it, cilantro, and bell peppers. I have happily been able to indulge just as well as before. In fact this pregnancy I LOVE shrimp, and eat it more than I did not pregnant. But with Owen I didn't have big cravings or phases. I ate pretty much the same things I did before, my meals just couldn't include shrimp, cilantro, or bell peppers.

I don't eat sweets/sugar ever. I don't crave it or want it. Unless I am pregnant with my husband's child apparently. The only phase I had with Owen was Honey Nut Cheerios 2x a day for like 3 months straight. This pregnancy it's been cake, cookies, candy, chocolate, junk cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch is spectacular!), cupcakes, sweet breads (monkey bread, banana bread, pumpkin bread). Additionally, I have been totally digging breakfast foods lately! Eggs, waffles, bacon, breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls, cereal, orange juice... On a normal day, I would rather eat any great dinner food in place of any of those things. Breakfast foods, are my least favorite. Except for right now. Right now I would like to  replace EVERY meal with breakfast food!

One day I ate like 4 oranges in one sitting. (Note to self: Your digestive tract does not appreciate 4 oranges at once. Do not repeat.)

I had a salad phase where I made delicious amazing salads with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, hardboiled egg, chicken, sunflower seeds, croutons, and ranch. Amazing. I would make a huge bowl and go to town.

Intermittently between these phases I will go insane over fast food.

I have had so many odd food cravings this time around it is CRAZY! I luckily haven't had many aversions at all this time. I eat less sriracha sauce, which typically tops almost everything that goes into my mouth, but other than that everything I loved before I love now! Problem is, things I didn't love before I Loooooooovvvvveee now...

My butt and thighs hate me right now. My arteries probably aren't too happy either. And if my body were ever close to getting diabetes it would be now. For sure. All I know is other than water giving me heartburn (don't even get me started about food. Any food at all.) I am absolutely in a torrid love affair with food this time around. It has been the best/worst time ever.

In fact, I am starving right now. I will be making stuffed meatballs, a vegetable, and mashed potatoes for dinner. But since I want breakfast I will also be making breakfast biscuits and cinnamon roll waffles for 2nd dinner! (I don't really eat breakfast, so really it is lunch and dinner for me.)

I am sure some fruit will be consumed in between.

I can't wait until my eating goes back to normal. Salty and greasy, are all I ever have to worry about then.... :)

I will be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow! I have been awful at keeping up with my blogging lately. I will have to post my belly pictures at some point pretty soon. It is pretty funny how little I am to begin with and how HUGE I am now, and I still have 2-4 more weeks! Eeek!

I am doing well other than being uncomfortable ALL of the time. The heartburn is constantly plaguing me, and I get tired and sore really fast. I am totally ready for this baby to come out, but totally unprepared! We still need to get a baby swing, a diaper pail, cloth diapers, more clothes, bottles, and more!! OMG WE ARE NOT PREPARED!

I am trying not to panic.... Deeeeeeep breathhhhh.....

Well, I'll check back in a week or so, after my 2 baby showers, and when I am technically full term! 37 weeks, whoot whoot!!